Shopping, Shopping, Shopping…and Running!

Gray Thursday, Black Friday, Cyber Monday…the shopping madness has begun.  Did you partake in any of the shopping ventures set up for us consumers this weekend?  I must say…I did!!  My husband and I actually started shopping on Wednesday at Express.  The entire store was 50% off on Wednesday and Friday morning before noon, even the clearance!  I got some killer deals…and by the way, the sale is still going on today ’till midnight – its 40% off the entire store and online with free shipping, check it out!

Here’s some of my loot from Express: Work blouses, regular shirts, belts, and a sweater.

Express Clothes

Then we shopped on Black Friday…twice! My sister asked me to go out with her to Urban Outfitters on Friday at midnight.  I though this was nuts!  I’ve never done the midnight shopping madness, but my hubster and I went, stood in line, froze our buns off, and then gave up!  They let in the first 150 people at midnight, and were only letting in more customers as people left.  Needless to say we would’ve been there for a couple of hours in line…thats def not how I roll.  So we walked over to Macy’s and did a bit of shopping.  I found some super cute Steve Madden Brown/Tan Combat style boots.  I love them!! And I’m not much of an edgy fashionista, so I’m excited to pair it up with my simple, girly style…it’s the little things 🙂


Then we walked home (luckily we live in the heart of downtown San Diego and can walk to the mall) and took a 2 hour nap, and we were at it again.  We headed to my Momma’s house to pick her up and keep the shopping train rolling.  We headed to the ‘Las America’s Outlets.”  This is an outlet mall in San Ysidro right on the California/Mexico border (US side).  This is where we really made out…I found another pair of boots, several pairs of flats, some cute Nike workout clothes and a few other things here and there.  My husband, JC, also found some great deals on sweaters, dress shirts, workout shoes and clothes, etc.  This outlet mall is huge and usually a nightmare to shop at because it is so packed all the time, but because we got there by 6AM and they opened at midnight, all the hardcore shoppers were gone and it was pretty mellow.

By the end of our shopping extravaganza we were wiped out!  I’m talking walking zombies just going through the motions of getting home…we passed out ’till about 5PM.  Even though we didn’t hit up the the malls for big ticket items like TV’s or other electronics, it was still fun to get out there with my fam and shop around, go to breakfast, and be shopping zombies together.

Getting back on track run: 4 miles Average pace 9:32 – no, I’m not a speed demon, get over it 🙂

Todays Eats:

  • Breakfast- Classic Green Smoothie
  • Lunch- Tuna Pita with Greek Yogurt Parfait
    • Tuna Pita: White meat albacore tuna mixed with plain Greek yogurt seasoned with celery salt and pepper all in a whole wheat pita with veggies.
    • Greek Yogurt Parfait: Yoplait 100 calorie Greek Yogurt cup mixed with 1-2 Tbl. plain Greek yogurt, strawberries, and topped with granola. **Disclaimer- I like the Yoplait 100 calorie cups because they have way less sugar than any of the other Greek yogurt varieties.  They’re smaller so I mix it with some plain yogurt to get a decent size parfait.**

Tune Pita

  • Post-run- Horizon Organic Chocolate Milk (My fav and I love the portion control of the lil carton
  • Dinner- Weirdo Salad
    • Mixed greens topped with cactus and egg stir fry (this must be a Mexican thing but it’s so good), and for the “dressing” i mixed cabbage, plain yogurt, salsa, avocado, and lime juice, then I sprinkled a bit of shredded Cabot cheese on top.  Ta da! Weirdo Salad!!

Weirdo Salad

  • Evening Snack- 1/2 cup cottage cheese with a couple of strawberries and a bit of granola.

Time to get some rest…

Did you do any shopping these past few days?
What are some of your weirdo salad combinations?

What Say You?!