A Day of Celebrations

Sweaty Stats: I’m on a loser streak right now, what’s going on!?!  Wednesday I had some amazing and fun things to do after work and didn’t get home until almost 10!  Thats crazy-sauce late for me because I’m an 81 year old woman at heart and on a work night I like to be IN BED by 10!


If you haven’t had a chance to check out my race day prep or Rock and Roll recap, take a look!  You may find some good tips and see how much fun the race was!!

So what fun things did I have to do you ask?  First we went to my little cousin’s high school graduation.  It’s crazy to see these lil kids that you saw in diapers growing up!  Agh…I’m getting old.  It was a fun day to see not only my cousin reach this milestone, but a lot of his classmates and friends were my former students too!  Um, kleenex box anyone?

MOH Graduation

2 Handsome Guys!MOH Graduation

Then we headed over to the hospital to meet my bestie’s new baby boy.  Talk about love at first sight!  I didn’t want to let this munchkin go.  I was ready to take him home with me, but my husband said something about hospital kidnapping rules…chicken.

Baby Khalis

I could get used to one of these!Baby Time!

Is there anything sweeter than seeing your husband holding a baby and loving it!?!Baby Khalis

So although I may be behind on my workouts and a lil deterred from my eating habits, there’s nothing I would have traded about today.  Graduation and baby all in one day…yup, that’s a good day in my books!

Do you start feeling down on yourself when life gets in the way of your workout routine or eating?
How do you make up for it?
Any celebrations coming your way?