A Day of Celebrations

Sweaty Stats: I’m on a loser streak right now, what’s going on!?!  Wednesday I had some amazing and fun things to do after work and didn’t get home until almost 10!  Thats crazy-sauce late for me because I’m an 81 year old woman at heart and on a work night I like to be IN BED by 10!


If you haven’t had a chance to check out my race day prep or Rock and Roll recap, take a look!  You may find some good tips and see how much fun the race was!!

So what fun things did I have to do you ask?  First we went to my little cousin’s high school graduation.  It’s crazy to see these lil kids that you saw in diapers growing up!  Agh…I’m getting old.  It was a fun day to see not only my cousin reach this milestone, but a lot of his classmates and friends were my former students too!  Um, kleenex box anyone?

MOH Graduation

2 Handsome Guys!MOH Graduation

Then we headed over to the hospital to meet my bestie’s new baby boy.  Talk about love at first sight!  I didn’t want to let this munchkin go.  I was ready to take him home with me, but my husband said something about hospital kidnapping rules…chicken.

Baby Khalis

I could get used to one of these!Baby Time!

Is there anything sweeter than seeing your husband holding a baby and loving it!?!Baby Khalis

So although I may be behind on my workouts and a lil deterred from my eating habits, there’s nothing I would have traded about today.  Graduation and baby all in one day…yup, that’s a good day in my books!

Do you start feeling down on yourself when life gets in the way of your workout routine or eating?
How do you make up for it?
Any celebrations coming your way?

I’m Alive!!!

Sweaty Stats:  Ran 6 miles yesterday in the crazy San Diego heat – Don’t get me wrong…I love the heat, I just prefer it while laying out by a pool or beach, not when I’m running.

Well it’s true…I’m alive! Where have I been you ask?  Traveling the world?  Building homes for the homeless?  Feeding the hungry?  Nope.  I’ve been doing the same ‘ol thang I always do…watch trash TV, Facebook stalk people, Instagram food pics, and occasionally get out there and sweat- Gotta get “bikini ready!”

Truth is, I got overwhelmed with work and being a new blogger and just fell off the face of the blogging world.  I realized that blogging helped me stay on track with my own fitness goals (there’s nothing like strangers to keep you accountable, right?)  and it really is fun to interact with new and fun people from all over the world.  So here I am for good!

Here’s some of what I’ve been up to in the past couple of months:

Caught up on The Walking Dead…and then became a zombie

walking-dead-pic Went to the Epic Beer Fest at the SD Convention Center…fun people, not so fun fest, wonk wonk.


Went to Vegas…

…got a tattoo…well I didn’t but I was tempted.  Maybe next time 🙂


Hung out with this lil guy for his birthday party…he even took time away from his friends to take a pic with his cheesy Aunt and Uncle!

nicky-bdayTraining for the Rock and Roll Half Marathon…

10mi…and doing lots of icing in the process!

icingAnd finally…became obsessed with Tupperware (the real stuff!)…but now I need to organize my Tupper-Mess 😦

tupper-messBut lucky for you, with my Tupper-obsession came my love for bento-style snacks and lunch ideas.  Lots more of these coming soon!


So there it is, my life in one blog post…sad, but true.  Come back for more, I promise I’m back for good!

Have you ever fallen off the blogging world for a while?
Why?  And how’d you get back…or did you?
What races do you have coming up?

Vacay Recap and Recovery Mode

Sweaty Stats: Yesterday I did Jillian Michaels Yoga MeltdownI was going to run but I got home later than expected and the gym in our building was full…this was the perfect opportunity to give up, but luckily my girl Jillian got my booty in gear. 

I was coming down from my vacation high and getting back into reality.  My fridge was absolutely empty!  Seriously, there was nothing.  So I made a serious trip to the grocery store and got things prepped…but more on that later.

Seattle was amazing.  If you’ve never been, GO! Here’s what we did (in case you care)-

  • We hit up several Starbuck’s, including the very first one.  It was cool to see merchandise exclusive to that store and I of course got a Pike Place Starbucks mug.  On a side note, my husband never drinks coffee and I’m proud to report that he had 3 coffee’s on this trip!  He’s now a fan.

First Starbucks

  • Pike Place Market:  We went 2 times to eat!  They have amazing seafood at all price points.  The first day we ducked into a little French restaurant (I didn’t think to get the name because I was in a food coma afterwards) and then our last day there we had a grilled prawn sandwich, delish!

Pikes Place Collage

Crumpets with cheese and tomato, freshly made mini donuts, prawn sandwich

  • We drove up to Vancouver for the day.  If anyone has ever been through the San Diego-Mexico border, you know what a nightmare it can be.  This Canadian border was nothing like that!  Everything was pretty and organized and people were actually friendly! Who knew?!


  • It wouldn’t be a trip to Seattle without visiting the Space Needle.  The views were amazing, but it was cold!

Space needle

  • Sprinkled in between, we went to a really cool little wine bar, a few hipster-fun bars, and did a little bit of shopping too. 

So now that I’m back in sunny San Diego (it’s actually raining today) it’s time to get back to the normal routine.  This means grocery shopping and meal prepping.  This is what I made last night to play around with for the week:

  • Batch of  Coach’s Oats oatmeal– This makes it much easier for me to just heat it up and go in the morning (tip-add a lil water or milk to the oatmeal before heating up to make it creamy) 3 servings
  • Batch of Green Protein Pancakes–  Again, making these pancakes in advance makes it easier to throw on a plate or container, heat up and go.  I like topping them with fruit and peanut butter – I live on the edge people. 2 servings
  • Fruits and Veggies–  I cleaned, cut, and stored (in pretty and colorful Tupperware) strawberries, blackberries, romaine lettuce, mini sweet peppers, and asparagus.  This makes healthy snacks, salads, and stirfries easier to get to.  Lots of servings
  • Steamed Chicken Breasts– I steamed (in my Tupperware Smart Steamer) 2 chicken breasts for the man of the house.  I steam them up plain, chop them up, anmd store them for other meals.  I usually toss them in some olive oil, seasonings, and various veggies.  2 servings
  • Broccoli Cheddar Soup– I spruced up some canned soup with extra veggies. 2 servings

As much as I love prepping food for the week, I have to remember not to over-do it.  I try to only make a few servings at a time because I hate when food goes bad!  Unfortunately, life happens and we don’t always stick to 7 planned days of meals.  If I make too much food and we don’t use it all, I just wasted time that I could’ve spent watching the Housewives of Beverly Hills, and I wasted money that I could’ve used to buy shoes or candy or whatever.  Makes perfect sense, right?

Ever been to Seattle?  What was your favorite thing to do there?
Do you makes lots of food in advance, or cook as you go?